Laurent Coeurdevey has 30 years of experience in satellite data management of geographic information and Earth observation. Since 1997, he works at the former Spot Image Company in Toulouse, now part of AIRBUS Company. Laurent was appointed Expert in 2013, a special AIRBUS career path for engineering excellence, with application to image processing for his contributions in image quality, data format and imagery products. Laurent was responsible of the operational image quality for the SPOT and Pléiades-HR optical earth observation satellite constellations. Member of the Pléiades Neo new constellation AIRBUS Program he defines requirements of image quality, metadata and end-users products. With the 1st launch of Pléiades Neo 3 on April 28th, he will now supervise these topics during the satellite commissioning phase and the new ground system qualification. Laurent hold a Master 2 degree in Geographical Sciences and Photogrammetry (École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (ENSG French National High School for Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Mapping)/University Paris VII.