Weekly update


March 26, 2020

ISPRS officially announces that due to the corona virus crisis, the XXIV ISPRS Congress to be held in Nice, France, has been postponed to 2021.

Council is aware that this decision has many consequences, but the very real health risks and the capacity to travel for the Congress participants did not leave us with any other alternative.
As the reviewing process of scientific submissions is nearly completed, the preparation of the ISPRS Archives and Annals scheduled for this summer is on track, and the proceedings will be published as planned. Results of abstract review are already out, those for the double-blind peer review will follow at the end of the month, and the deadline for submission of camera-ready manuscripts stays May 4, 2020.
All registrations for this year’s Congress will be carried forward to next year. This means that anybody who has registered and paid the registration fee until May 4, 2020 can use that fee to participate in the Congress in July 2021, and if desired, submit a new paper for the July 2021 Congress.
Sponsors and exhibitors are also encouraged to maintain their involvement in the Nice Congress even though it is postponed by one year. The involvement of companies in the activities of ISPRS is indeed essential.
The General Assembly and all elections have also been postponed until next year. We ask all ISPRS officers to please continue their service for the society in their current position for an additional 12 months.
ISPRS Council is diligently working on developing the details of this transition, including refund policy, publication requirements, etc., and will make corresponding announcements in subsequent communications in the near future.

All the best and hoping to see you in Nice in July 2021,
Christian Heipke, ISPRS President
Nicolas Paparoditis, ISPRS Congress Director Nice 2020

Weekly update on Covid-19 | 19th March 2020


Dear Colleagues, dear Friends,
I believe you have all heard of the COVID-19 latest situation and developments in Europe and in France. 
The situation could indeed be better 😊 but the good news is that the French authorities like several other European authorities have decided for hard containment measures of the population following the successful Chinese example.
France thus expects to go back to a normal situation in two months. A good indicator of this is that the French government has decided to postpone the second round of the French important local elections from the 22nd of March to the 21st of June.
Thus we are still considering to hold our Congress in June that is to say starting in 3 months. We will of course postpone the registration early bird deadline to the 4th of May. Considering the difficulties that some of you have had to access their offices and computers, the deadline for submitting the camera ready full papers will also be postponed to the 4th of May. The high quality Archives and Annals of the ISPRS 2020 Congress will still be published in due time !
Until then we encourage you to be patient, to remain united, and to wait before buying your airfare tickets or to purchase reimbursable or exchangeable tickets. 
We will keep you informed with updated news through our communication channels.
Stay safe and take care of your families !
Best regards,
Nicolas Paparoditis
ISPRS 2020 Congress Director
ISPRS Council Member
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Dear Colleagues and friends,
The ISPRS 2020 Congress is planned to take place in Nice from the 14th to the 20th of June 2020. The congress starts in a little more than three months from now and the situation will have hopefully settled by then.

The good news is that the reviewing process of the 1780 submitted contributions is running smoothly (and is on time!). The proceedings of the ISPRS 2020 Congress will be published in the Archives and in the Annals on the first day of the Congress whatever the situation will be at that time. We remind you that the papers will be included in the proceedings only if the registration is duly paid by April 13.
In order to allow the registered participants that could not reach Nice to remotely participate, we will record all sessions in high quality and we will stream them live on an ISPRS 2020 Web TV channel so that remote participants can still enjoy the science and the knowledge shared at the congress. The access to the WebTV will be of course limited to registered participants.
For those that will be able to reach the congress venue, we will take all appropriate measures on-site (temperature control at the entrance, etc.).
From now on, we will publish an update of the situation every 15 days.
I promise you a great congress. Science will prevail !
In the meantime, we hope that you, your family and your colleagues remain in good health.
Best regards,
Nicolas Paparoditis, ISPRS 2020 Congress Director

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